A One Act Play written by Casey Jones, which served as my MFA thesis project. Set in a Medieval Afterlife, one sailor must determine where to spend eternity. I both designed and built these costumes. Performed at University of Texas at Austin in Mar

Wet Hereafter

Wet Hereafter by Casey Jones

Photographs by Jon Haas

 A One Act Play written by Casey Jones, which served as my MFA thesis project. Set in a Medieval Afterlife, one sailor must determine where to spend eternity. I both designed and built these costumes. Performed at University of Texas at Austin in Mar

A One Act Play written by Casey Jones, which served as my MFA thesis project. Set in a Medieval Afterlife, one sailor must determine where to spend eternity. I both designed and built these costumes. Performed at University of Texas at Austin in March 2018.

 Jenny Greenteeth played by Abbey Harris  Photograph by Jon Haas

Jenny Greenteeth played by Abbey Harris

Photograph by Jon Haas


Caroline Beagles as The Lady of the Lake

Photograph by Jon Hass

 Rán played by Kayla Johnson  Photograph by Jon Haas   

Rán played by Kayla Johnson

Photograph by Jon Haas


 The Sailor played by Brisa Shaw  Photograph by Jon Haas   

The Sailor played by Brisa Shaw

Photograph by Jon Haas


 Wellamo played by Audrey Loomis  Photograph by Jon Haas

Wellamo played by Audrey Loomis

Photograph by Jon Haas

 Rán, back  Photograph by Jon Haas

Rán, back

Photograph by Jon Haas

 Rán, Hat detail

Rán, Hat detail

 Wellamo, detail  Photograph by Jon Haas

Wellamo, detail

Photograph by Jon Haas

 Lady of the Lake, Hat Detail

Lady of the Lake, Hat Detail

 Jenny, Wig Detail

Jenny, Wig Detail